The 6 Apps Every Backpacker Needs is perfect for finding your way around a new destination without burning through your data allowance whilst travelling. The app allows users to download map data for any country and use the app for navigation even when you have no internet connection. Locations can also be bookmarked so you can easily find your way back to the hostel.
TransferWise is a fast and easy way to transfer money abroad. This app is particularly useful if you are working abroad (e.g. on a working holiday in Australia) and need to transfer funds between your home and foreign account. Bank transfers between accounts can take up to 2 weeks but transfers using this app typically only take between 1 and 4 days. Using TransferWise can also save you money as according to their website it is up to eight times cheaper than bank foreign transfers.
Day One
Day One is the easiest way to record your travelling memories if you're too lazy to bother making a scrapbook. The app has won multiple awards for its quality and excellent design; one reviewer stated that it ‘makes journaling as easy as tweeting’. Day One allows users to record their daily thoughts and experiences with photos attached. The app also uses a map to record where each journal entry was made and logs the weather at the time of the journal entry.
Left your printed-out visa on the kitchen table? No internet connection to access your hostel booking confirmation? Tripit is the app that can make these travel nightmares a thing of the past. This app securely stores all your travel documents, such as visas, passport and driving licence copies. Users can also use the app to store all documents needed for a particular trip in separate folders so you can easily organise all of your booking confirmations for different destinations.
Before using this app we were pretty sure that packing without either forgetting something important or packing waaaay too much was impossible. PackPoint lets you pick where you're going, for how long, and what kind of activities you'll be doing, and customises a packing list for you based on what you choose. You can then add or remove items based on what you need; what you're left with is a complete packing list that you can check off as you're filling up your case.
Although most backpackers use Facebook to spam everyone’s newsfeeds with beach selfies, the app can also be an easy way to make sure you have an amazing trip. If you're solo travelling, Facebook groups in a particular country or region are great forums for seeking advice about your destination, meeting travel buddies or finding out about events happening near you. If you're travelling with a group or doing a tour, you'll without a doubt be asked to join a Facebook chat at some point, and if you don't have Facebook, you'll be missing out on all the fun!
Thinking of travelling the world but don't know where to start? Check out our trips here!